Je m'apelle Louis Martineau. J'ai 14 ans. J'habite à Gizay, 380 habitants, dans la Vienne (86). Je suis venu au lycée agricole J.BUJAULT pour devenir éleveur caprin. Mes loisirs sont la chasse, la pêche, la moto et l'agriculture. Je veux devenir éleveur car j'aime les chèvres.
My name is Martineau,My first name is Louis.I'm fourteen.I'm a schoolboy.I was born on the sixth of october nineteen ninety-six. I live in Gizay. I have got two brothers their names are Pierre and Octave. My Father's first name is Laurent. My mother's first name is Natacha. I like hunting,fishing,motor bike and farming. I have got twenty dogs and one cat. I dislike school. I want to be a goat breeder.
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